Saturday, November 23, 2013

Works of Righteousness

Paul concluded his epistle to the Hebrews with some brief teachings and statements of counsel. Read Hebrews 13 and find statements about the following questions:
• How should we treat strangers and those “in bonds”?
Paul says to entertain strangers and those in bonds.
• How is marriage looked upon?

Paul states that marriage is honorable and the bed undefiled
• What warnings are given about covetousness?

The warning is that we need not to covet because the Lord will never leave us.
• What is “the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever”?

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever
• How are we sanctified?

We are sanctified through the blood of Christ.
• How do we respond to those who rule over us?

We need to obey them that rule over us and to submit ourselves to them.
• Who did Paul ask the people to pray for?

Good conscience, live honestly, 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Jesus Christ is Greater than Angels

This week we are going to be looking into Hebrews 1-2 and we are going to be looking more into Jesus Christ.

1. Lets look at “Epistle to the Hebrews” in the Bible Dictionary under Pauline Epistles (pp. 746–47). Read the first paragraph and the “Analysis of Hebrews,” number 1–5, and we are going to make a list of what Jesus Christ is superior to.

  • Sin
  • Boasting
  • Death
  • Comment on this post with some of the ones you found.

2.   Now let's read Hebrews 1 and make a list of three truths Paul taught about the Savior Jesus Christ.
  • An appointed heir of all things
  • Creator of worlds
  • First begotten into the world

3.  And finally lets read Hebrews 2:7–18; 4:13–16; Alma 7:11–15; Doctrine and Covenants 122:8, and describe how these scriptures explain reasons the Son of God came to earth to experience mortality.
  • He needed to suffer in order to make perfect our salvation
  • To deliver us from bondage
  • To succor us
  • So that he can relate to us personally

Saturday, November 9, 2013

“Be Thou an Example of the Believers”

Alright so this week we are going to be looking into 1 Timothy. We have to remember that Paul wrote this to a person who was already a member of the church and who had great knowledge of the workings of the church. It also appears that Timothy is one of Paul's most trusted friends and companions. 

1. Let's first have a look at 1 Timothy 2:9–10 and describe in writing what Paul said about dress standards. 

Here Paul talks about how we need to be modest in dress (I know he says women, but it can also apply to men). We also don't need to wear all kinds of fancy jewelry and broadcast our wealth.

How does Doctrine and Covenants 61:18, 36 help us understand that what Paul taught applies to both men and women?

It teaches us that we need to warn everyone and encourage everyone to live up to the standards set by the Lord.

Study Moses 6:9; Mosiah 2:37; Alma 41:2. Then list three reasons our bodies could be considered sacred.

  • God created us
  • God/the prophets refer to them as temples.
  • Our bodies will be resurrected 

How does understanding that our bodies are sacred help us know why they should be covered modestly? 

Knowing our bodies are sacred allows us to know where we come from and it helps us to want to cover up our bodies and not show them off to the world. Things that are sacred shouldn't be broadcast about.

What is mentioned in Alma 1:32 that relates to the other concern Paul mentioned about dress? 

Alma mentions that people not of the church at his time wore costly apparel, which in some cases (not all) can lead to other sins.

What can you do to apply these principles in your life?

This is something I want you to think about personally, but as for me, I can remind myself that I don't always have to have the best things, especially when it comes to clothing. I just need to be able to cover everything up.
2.    List the evidences Paul mentioned in 1 Timothy 4:1–5 that an apostasy would not only come in the future, but that some people were already practicing false doctrines:
  • Seducing spirits
  • Doctrines of devils
  • Lies and hypocrisy
  • Forbidding to marry
  • Abstain from meats

3.    How could Paul’s counsel to Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:12 be used to strengthen a new missionary or a young person called to serve in any responsibility?
It can be strengthening because it shows that even though one may be young it doesn't mean that we can't be examples and show the way that we are supposed to live. We don't need to rub it in their faces, but we can just be a quite example.
4.    Review 1 Timothy 6:7–11 and answer the following questions:
  • What did Paul teach about the love of money?
    • Loving money can lead us to fall into pits of sin
  • In what sense is the love of money the “root of all evil”?
    • The love of money being the root of all evil is when men seek after money more than they seek after the things of God. It is not a sin to have money, but it is a sin to want money more than God.

5.    What guidelines are given in 1 Timothy 6:17–19 and Jacob 2:18–19 that when followed can help ensure that you do not focus too much on money or material wealth?
Paul teaches us that we need to not lay hold our riches, but lay hold the truths of God and trust in him. He says before that we did not bring anything into this world and we won't be able to bring anything physical out of this world. We also need to lay a sure foundation in Christ and God. We need to seek for God first and then riches. If we seek for riches we need to use them for good.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Becoming New Creatures in Christ

This week we are going to be looking into Paul's letter to the Colossians. There's a lot of good stuff this week, so lets just dive right in.

1. First we are going to make a list of names, titles, and phrases used by Paul in Colossians 1:13–2:7 to describe the Savior. 
    • His Son
    • The Firstborn of every creature
    • The Firstborn of the dead
    • the head of the body and the church
  • What did Paul teach that Jesus Christ has done for us?
    • Paul teaches us that Christ has done everything for us. He created the heavens and the earth, he performed the atonement, he gives us knowledge and wisdom, he gives us the resurrection.
  • What do these verses teach about the responsibilities we have to receive the blessings of the Lord?
    • The verses teach us that we need to follow the commandments and live up to our covenants in order to receive the blessings promised.
2. Next write Helaman 5:12 next to Colossians 2:7 in the margin of your scriptures (or in the notes section if you are using it online or on your smart phone). After reading these two scriptures, write a paragraph explaining what it means to be “rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith.”
  • As we put our faith in Christ we can become strong in our testimony. We don't have to worry about our foundation failing us. I am reminded of a primary song entitled, "The wise man and the foolish man." We learn from this song about a wise man who built his house upon a firm foundation and when the rains came and the floods came his house did not fall; however there was a foolish man who did not build his house on a strong foundation and when the rains came and the floods rose his house was washed away. When temptation and sin come our way, if we have our foundations strong we will not falter.

3. Review Colossians 2:8, 18 and the institute student manual commentary for Colossians 2:18-19, “What does Paul Mean by the Worshiping of Angels?” (p. 345). List at least four means of deception Paul warned the Saints about in Colossae. What does 2 Nephi 9:28-29 add to what Paul warned.
  • We can be deceived through philosophy, traditions of men, traditions of the world, and through the pride of the world.
  • Nephi adds that we need to be careful of the counsel of the world.

4. Review Colossians 3 and make a list of what we should “put on” and “put off” or “mortify.” Make a chart like the following one and place your findings in the corresponding column:

Things We Should Seek After or “Put On”
Things We Should “Mortify” or “Put Off”
  • Things above the earth
  • Mercy
  • Kindness
  • Humility
  • Meekness
  • Long suffering
  • Forgiveness
  • Charity
  • Peace
  • Wisdom
  • Gratitude
  • Love
  • Fornication
  • Uncleanliness
  • Inordinate affection
  • Evil concupiscence
  • Covetousness
  • Idolatry
  • Anger
  • Wrath
  • Malice
  • Blasphemy
  • Filthy communication
  • Lying

5. Review Colossians 3:15-21 and identify in writing several ideas that would help families live in greater harmony. Then answer the following questions in writing:
  • What specific counsel did Paul give to children, parents, husbands, and wives?
    • Wives love husbands
    • Husbands love wives
    • Children love and obey parents
    • Do all things heartily unto the Lord
    • Sing praises together
    • Serve Jesus Christ
  • What did Paul teach about the importance of hymns?
    • Hymns can teach us
    • They bring us together as a family
    • Give praise unto God